
About Me

Navigating Your Journey with Allan

Hey there, I’m Allan, the face behind Unwind your Mind Therapies, and I’m thrilled to extend a warm welcome to you. Let’s dive into my background, my passion for helping others, and the unique path that brought me to found Unwind your Mind

My Journey – From Trades to Transforming Lives:

Life has a way of surprising us with unexpected turns. I began my career in trade and labor roles, but an undeniable calling led me down a different path. A passion for making a meaningful impact on people’s lives tugged at my heartstrings. This calling urged me to explore the world of social work and therapy, where I discovered my true purpose – supporting individuals, couples, families, and groups as they navigate life’s challenges.

A Decade of Devotion:

Over the last ten years, I’ve dedicated myself to a multitude of roles within social work, therapy, support, and leadership. This diverse experience has granted me a versatile skill set to tackle a wide spectrum of challenges that individuals and communities encounter. It’s been a journey of personal growth, continuous learning, and an ever-deepening commitment to holistic well-being.

Embracing the First Nations Space:

One of the aspects closest to my heart is engaging with the First Nations space. As a Torres Strait Islander with heritage from Moa Island, my deep respect for cultural diversity and an innate understanding of the unique struggles faced by indigenous communities drive my passion to bring about positive change. This isn’t just a role; it’s a heartfelt commitment to contribute positively to a community that deserves unwavering support.

Crafting Your Journey with My Expertise:

Imagine a toolkit filled with a diverse array of therapeutic approaches – from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Narrative, Systems, Solution-Focused, Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and more. My approach is about hand-picking the most suitable tools to create a strategy that resonates with your individual circumstances.

Walking the Talk – My Personal Journey:

Beyond my professional expertise, my personal journey adds depth to my understanding. As a father of three and a lifelong member of the community, I’ve gained insights into life’s challenges firsthand. This unique blend of personal experience and professional knowledge creates a safe haven where you can unravel your story, share your concerns, and work towards a better version of yourself without fear of judgment.

Empowering Transformation:

Unwind your Mind Therapies isn’t just a practice; it’s a commitment to your growth. My mission is to empower you to heal from past traumas, cultivate resilience, and enhance your quality of life. Your journey is distinctive, and I’m here to offer unwavering support, guidance, and strategies to navigate each step.

Partners in Your Journey:

Think of me and Unwind your Mind Therapies as partners on your journey to well-being. Together, we’ll navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and create a brighter future. Your journey is my priority, and I’m genuinely excited to be by your side.

A Blend of Skills:

Oh, and did I mention? I’ve also studied counselling. This additional layer of expertise enriches my ability to guide you through your journey with sensitivity, insight, and empathy.

Allan Holman

CEO & Founder

Allan Holman

CEO & Founder

Discover yourself

Discover the warmth and unwavering support of Unwind your Mind Therapies. Reach out today to learn more about how my personal insights, professional knowledge, therapeutic expertise and counselling, can make a profound impact on your path to a happier and healthier you. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together and unlock your full potential.